


←csoundメモ 目次に戻る


; Title: moving sound source in a thick fog with doppler effect
; Date:  2009/01/06
; Author: a9a9qq@gmail.com
; description:
;  the sound source is moving in front of the observer from left to right 
;  or the right to left with doppler effect.
;  -p4: amp( around 500 )
;  -p5: note(Hz)
;  -p6: direction(-1 or 1)

-+msg_color=no -dWm0  -o doppler.wav
sr     = 44100
kr     = 4410
ksmps  = 10
nchnls = 2

gitab   ftgen 1, 0,65536,10,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1
gitab   ftgen 2, 0,65536,10,1,0.5,0.25,0.125
garvbl  init 0
garvbr  init 0
gacombl init 0
gacombr init 0

instr 100
 ar1 comb gacombr, p4, p5
 ar2 comb gacombr, p4, p5/4
 al1 comb gacombl, p4, p5*.66
 al2 comb gacombl, p4, p5/2
 a1  = ar1+(ar2*.5)
 a2  = (al1*.2)+(al2*.8)
 outs  a1,a2
 gacombr  =         0
 gacombl  =         0

instr   101
 idur    = p3
 irvbtim = p4
 ihiatn  = p5
 arvb1   nreverb garvbl, irvbtim, ihiatn
 arvb2   nreverb garvbr, irvbtim, ihiatn
 outs    arvb1, arvb2
 garvbl  = 0
 garvbr  = 0

instr 1
  idur   = p3
  kA     = p4
  kfrq   = p5
  ifn    = 2
  ka     = 0.2             ; attenuation rate
  idist  = 10.0            ; the initial or the final distance between 
                           ; the observer and the sound source.
  idist  = idist*p6        ; if p6>0 right to left, p6<0 right to left. 
  ih     = 0.3             ; min Y-axis distance bet. the obv. and the source
  idf    = 10.0            ; intensify the doppler effect (1.0 - 500)
  kh     = k(ih)
  kvs    = 340.0           ; the speed of sound
  kdist  = k(idist)    
  kdur   = k(idur)
  kv     = 2.0*kdist/kdur  ; the velocity of sound source
  kv     = kv*idf
  ; X-axis 
  kx       linseg -idist,idur/2.0,0,idur/2.0,idist

  ; the simulation to dump the amplitude.
  ; assume the wave equation is "y=exp(-ka*X)*sin(t)"
  kamp   = kA*(exp(-ka*sqrt(kx*kx+kh*kh))*exp(-ka*sqrt(kx*kx+kh*kh)))

  ; the simulation of doppler effect
  ; if you change the sign of kx in the equation below, 
  ; the revered doppler effect, which would never happen in the 
  ; real world, would happen.
  ; kfrqd  = kfrq*kvs/(kvs-kv*kx/sqrt(kh*kh +kx*kx))
  kfrqd  = kfrq*kvs/(kvs+kv*kx/sqrt(kh*kh +kx*kx))

  ; sound source
  aout     oscil  kamp, kfrqd, ifn

  ; the simulation of pannning
  ktheta   linseg taninv(-idist/ih),idur,taninv(idist/ih)
  al    = sqrt(2.0)/2.0*(cos(ktheta)+sin(ktheta)) * kamp * aout
  ar    = sqrt(2.0)/2.0*(cos(ktheta)-sin(ktheta)) * kamp * aout
  outs    al, ar

  ; for effect
  garvbl    = garvbl +(al*.1)
  garvbr    = garvbr +(ar*.1)
  gacombl   = gacombl+(al*.3)
  gacombr   = gacombr+(ar*.3)


i100  0  50   6  .66
i101  0  50   5   .7
i1    0  10 500  40    1
i1   10  10 500  80   -1
i1   20  10 500 120    1
i1   30  10 500 220    1
i1   40  10 500 440   -1

