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zakは一言で言うと、k-rate, a-rateのパッチング(i-rateでもよいが)。名前の付け方はzで始まるようにつけないとZAKの変数であると認識されない。ZAKは配列変数がcsoundで実現されるまでの回避策である。zakシステムではi-rate, k-rateのための領域とa-rateのための領域を確保して動作する。

Why arrays or "zak" are important for some applications


A major theme of my approach to making music is to set up processes and let them interact and be affected by random occurrences. This can be expensive in analog hardware - but a load of fun too.


Setting up a garden of interacting processes and then tweaking them to whatever state of control or chaos I like is my idea of fun! Lets say I want to set up a musical cellular automata - with 100 similar cells.


Each one produces sound and has various internal states stored as i, k or a rate variables. The behaviour of each cell is at least partially dependant on that of its neighbours. Typically, each cell would make some of its own internal state - including sound output - readable by its neigbours or other things.


There could be a global matron function who tries to control the cells' level of friskiness if they individually or collectively incur her wrath by becoming too obstreperous.


So I have a 10 x 10 array of cells, and their internal state is made available as global variables - with different names for the same variable in different cells. This could be done with 100 carefully written instruments, but life is too short.


The only alternative is to use one instrument and have each instance decide where its interal states are written to for others to read. It should decide which of the 99 other instances it will read the states of. The ideal way is if we could write global variables as:

gahuey[p7] = afoo * abar or gahuey[kdest] = afoo * abar


gahuey[p7] = afoo * abar or gahuey[kdest] = afoo * abar

In either case, one element of an array huey[] of a rate variables is written. (Actually each variable is an array of ksmps floats.) Likewise we want to be able to write these array specifications in the right hand of equations.

gaduey[kdest] = huey[ksource] * (ablah + p4)


gaduey[kdest] = huey[ksource] * (ablah + p4)

So that is the first thing about arrays - make them easy and direct to use with i or k rate indexing. Secondly, make them multidimensional:

galouey[4, 10] Is a 2D array of global audio rate variables.
gkblah[2, 4, 10] Is a 3D array of global k rate variables.

これによって、配列に関してまずは、i-rate, k-rateのインデックスによって、その要素に簡単にアクセスできるようにする事が必要だ。次に、多次元配列を利用可能にすることだ、

galouey[4, 10] Is a 2D array of global audio rate variables.
gkblah[2, 4, 10] Is a 3D array of global k rate variables.

Thirdly, we want them to be either global or local to the instance of the instrument. This is quite a tall order, since the core of Csound is not perfect and is largely devoid of comments. Such facilities are obviously beyond what Csound was originally conceived to do, but now that CPUs are so much faster, many people will be writing more sophisticated programs.


In principle, the global aspect of arrays can be acheived with the zak system, but it is trickier. zak ugens do not go on the left or right of equations, they have their own line. They must write to normal variables and be fed by normal variables. Arrays, and multi dimensional arrays can all be done with offsets and multiplications to arrive at the final number of the location in za or zk space - but it this involves bulky, hard do debug and understand .orc code, and there is no prospect for building mnemonic names into the way these variables are accessed.


I intend to do some cellular automatata or use multiple reverb and sound source instruments with varying delay times between them, all mixed with my binaural model - with the instruments, reverb points (and hence their connecting time delays) potentially moving around.
