

Loris Analysis Example

It is a simple matter to write a small program that uses the Loris procedural interface to analyze a sound and store the partials, or synthesize a new sound from the partials and create a new samples file.


This C program demonstrates the use of the Loris procedural interface to analyze a clarinet tone having a fundamental frequency of approximately 415 Hz. The partials are exported to a Sound Description Interchange Format (SDIF) data file. The clarinet sound is then reconstructed from the partials, and the synthesized samples are exported to a samples file in the AIFF format.


 *  analysis_example.c
 *  Use the Loris procedural interface to perform a
 *  Reassigned Bandwidth-Enhanced analysis of a 
 *  clarinet tone, having fundamental frequency of
 *  approximately 415 Hz.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <loris.h>

int main( void )
    const double FUNDAMENTAL = 415.0; 
                   /* G#4 */
    const unsigned long BUFSZ = 44100 * 4; 
                   /* approx. 4 seconds */

    PartialList * partials = NULL;
    double samples[ BUFSZ ];
    double sr;
    unsigned int nsamps;
    /* import the clarinet samples */
    nsamps = importAiff("clarinet.aiff", samples, BUFSZ, &sr);
    /* configure the Loris analyzer, use frequency
       resolution equal to 80% of the fundamental
       frequency, main lobe width equal to the 
       fundamental frequency, and frequency drift 
       equal to 20% of the fundamental frequency
    analyzer_configure( .8 * FUNDAMENTAL, FUNDAMENTAL );
    analyzer_setFreqDrift( .2 * FUNDAMENTAL );  
                   /* approx. 83 Hz */
    /* analyze and store partials */
    partials = createPartialList();
    analyze( samples, nsamps, sr, partials );
    /* export to SDIF file */
    exportSdif("clarinet.sdif", partials );
    /* synthesize */
    memset( samples, 0, BUFSZ * sizeof(double) );
    nsamps = synthesize( partials, samples, BUFSZ, sr );
    /* export samples to AIFF file */
    exportAiff( "synth.aiff", samples, nsamps, sr, 16 );
    /* cleanup */
    destroyPartialList( partials );
    return 0;

In this analysis, the analyzer is configured to have frequency resolution equal to 80% of the fundamental frequency (a good rule of thumb), and analysis window width equal to the fundamental frequency. The only other analyzer parameter that is configured is the frequenecy drift, which is set at 20% of the fundamental frequency to prevent partials having large and rapid variations in their frequency envelopes. The other parameters of the analzer are configured automatically from the frequency resolution and window width.


By the way, in a Unix-like environment, the same analysis can be performed using the loris_analyze command line utility.


% loris_analyze 332 415 clarinet.aiff -drift 83 -o clarinet.sdif -render synth.aiff